Category NPD/NPI

5W’s 1H of PLM

5W’s 1H of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) are questions whose answers are to be considered as basic knowledge gathering before the SMEs, OEMs, ODMs, Discrete Manufacturers planning to go for implementing PLM. Why – PLM is needed to the enterprise?…

How PLM utilized in an Enterprise?

Exactly how PLM utilized in an enterprise either SME, OEM manufacturing is a concern arises in the mind of C-level execs. Developing brand-new products, organization require a means to organize each of the associated information. From product design, concepts, keeps…

PLM Business Case

PLM business case embarks on a transformative journey with NeelSMARTEC, optimizing manufacturing efficiency and innovation for unparalleled product excellence. The business case explore the utilization of product lifecycle management system within the manufacturing enterprises irrespective of size – Small to…

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